Traditional Public education matters!
The IVEF is a non-politically affiliated organization, and our sole purpose is to bring the resources of our community to our schools. None of the proceeds from this or any of our fundraising events or programs support political groups or candidates in any capacity.
We are advocates of traditional public education and believe every child deserves a world-class education. There are few causes more worthy and more life-altering than public schools. Our task is to help people understand that their gifts can change the lives of children for generations to come.
While financial support and philanthropic giving are paramount to meeting our mission, it is equally important that we share resources to help educate the general public on the real challenges that our schools face. Please take the time to visit the following websites and familiarize yourself with the role you can play in supporting public schools here in the Commonwealth.
We are advocates of traditional public education and believe every child deserves a world-class education. There are few causes more worthy and more life-altering than public schools. Our task is to help people understand that their gifts can change the lives of children for generations to come.
While financial support and philanthropic giving are paramount to meeting our mission, it is equally important that we share resources to help educate the general public on the real challenges that our schools face. Please take the time to visit the following websites and familiarize yourself with the role you can play in supporting public schools here in the Commonwealth.
Join A Movement that Supports our Schools & Communities!

Our students are in classrooms that are underfunded and overcrowded. Teachers are paying out of pocket and picking up the slack. And public education is suffering.
Each child in Pennsylvania has a right to an excellent public education. Every child, regardless of zip code, deserves access to a full curriculum, art and music classes, technical opportunities and a safe, clean, stable environment. All children must be provided a level chance to succeed.
PA Schools Work is fighting for equitable, adequate funding necessary to support educational excellence. Investing in public education excellence is the path to thriving communities, a stable economy and successful students.

We need your voice! We are a non-partisan, grassroots campaign working on behalf of all Pennsylvania public school students, and we need your help to make PA Schools Work! We are calling on the state to pay its fair share and adequately and equitably fund public education in Pennsylvania. Together we can make PA Schools Work!